
12th anniversary celebration of our Company

March 27, 2014 From:China Cans Clicks:1810 Share to

On 18, March 2014, the 12th anniversary celebration of our Company was celebrated in Harbor Restaurant. A splendid dinner, together with a good show, lucky draw events and games made this a happy and unforgettable event


Mr Lin delivering a speech

Mr Lin gave a passionate speech. Firstly, he thanked all our company’s supporters and suppliers. He also sent greetings to all members of staff who have made an excellent contribution to out company’s development. He also concluded the pass, and looked into the future.

In 2013, our company was successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock Market, this marked a new chapter for our company’s development. After landing on the capital market, we now have a better and broader platform for development. Mr Lin also emphasized, being listed not only brings opportunities for the company, but also brings new challenges and responsibilities. As our domestic and foreign competitors update their production lines, the industry is going to be even more competitive-- We therefore have to seize this opportunity of being listed, and work even harder and stricter, at the same time adhering to regulations. We need to win over our clients and increase our market share by continuing to improve our product quality, our efficiency in delivering our products, and our overall service. Only by increasing our competitiveness will we have a brighter future.

Photos of the ceremony:

Outstanding staff award recipients

Outstanding staff award recipients

Awards for staff that have served our company for over 10 years

Some senior staff sing whole-heartedly

Lucky draw, surprise after surprise

Happy games

Handsome men and pretty women,dancing with vitality. Sensational!